Posted on 4/22/2020

As a car owner, you need to know the basics about your car, and that includes knowing where to go when your vehicle needs repairs. You might think that this is as easy as asking Google or Siri about a reliable auto repair shop in San Rafael, CA, and you're done. Not so fast, if you pick the wrong auto repair shop, then you can end up in big trouble. It is common for car owners to think that everything involving car repair or maintenance includes the services of a car mechanic. This may be true to some extent, but you need to know that there are auto repair shops that specialize in certain types of services. It’s similar to going to an eye doctor for a stomach ache; it won’t work out. If your car has a dented rear end, you should not go to an expert on engines and transmissions. For a new bumper and paint job, you need to visit an auto body shop. Car maintenance is a personal thing, if you bought a brand new car, you might ... read more