Posted on 3/4/2020

We can’t emphasize the importance of having your brakes checked for road safety. You can’t take risks when it comes to the stopping power of your car, which is why you need the best brake repair service in San Rafael, CA. Car owners should keep in mind that there is never a wrong time for a brake inspection, and we share some of the best times to get your brakes checked out. It’s a familiar scene in the movies or on TV, you watch a car’s brake lines cut, and the car loses control and ends up severely damaged. This can happen in real life where lives are at stake. Unlike the movies, you can get seriously injured, or worse, lose your life when your brakes fail. Top Reasons for Getting a Brake Repair Service With the right maintenance, high-quality brakes can last up to 70,000 miles without replacement. However, there are factors that ... read more