Posted on 5/16/2022

Your brakes are among the most critical safety features of your car. You shouldn't ignore any performance problems with it, or you're risking potential accidents and expensive breakdowns in the long run. Here are seven symptoms that you should get a brake repair in San Rafael soon: 1. Spongy brake pedals Don't ignore a spongy or soft brake pedal. This could be due to a leak in the hydraulic system, air trapped in the lines, or work brake shoes. Whatever the cause, it's crucial to have your system checked in a brake repair shop in San Rafael, CA. Our experts at R&I Automotive can diagnose the issue and restore your brakes' responsiveness. 2. Your car pulls to one side If you notice that your car is pulling to one side when you brake, it's another sign that something is wrong with your brake system. This could be caused by a sticking caliper, brake fluid leak, or worn brake pads. 3. Grinding noise ... read more
Posted on 5/2/2022

A Jeep is a significant investment, and you want to make sure that it's in good condition for as long as possible. That's why it's essential to keep up with regular maintenance to keep your Jeep in top shape. It can sometimes be challenging to know when you need to schedule a jeep service. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the telltale signs that indicate it might be time for a service appointment. Here are five signs that it might be time to book an appointment with your local Jeep mechanic near you in San Rafael, CA:Unusual noises were coming from the Jeep's engine. Common engine problems can include knocking noise, low oil levels, or a loose connection. If you hear any unusual noises coming from under the hood, it's best to get it checked out as soon as possible. The "check engine" light is on. This one is pretty self-explanatory ... read more